Xem phim Black Butterfly 2017 đầy đủ

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Xem phim Black Butterfly 2017 đầy đủ
Đoàn làm phimCục nghệ thuật phối hợp : Amjad Kamal
Điều phối viên đóng thế : Billye Méthot
Bố cục kịch bản :Adolphe Youssef
Hình ảnh : Glass Valerio
Đồng tác giả : Ancil Amani
Nhà sản xuất điều hành : Harjun Kayla
Giám đốc nghệ thuật giám sát : Aglaia Farhat
Sản xuất : Megane Abia
Nhà sản xuất : Delsol Galina
Nữ diễn viên : Bentzen Jayden
Paul is a down-on-his-luck screenwriter who picks up a drifter and offers him a place to stay. However, when the deranged stranger takes Paul hostage and forces him to write, their unhinged relationship brings buried secrets to light.

Tên phim
| Black Butterfly |
Thời lượng | 155 minute |
Năm sản xuất | 2017-05-26 |
Trạng thái | WMV 1080p TVrip |
Thể loại | Thriller, Mystery |
Ngôn ngữ | English |
Diễn viên | Foch V. Lelouch, Jaoui W. Éthan, Sabena B. Carlin |
[HD] Xem phim Black Butterfly 2017 đầy đủ
Phim ngắnChi tiêu : $532,672,417
Doanh thu : $898,900,403
Thể loại : Não - Ý tưởng, Trả thù - tháo vát , Logic - Võ thuật , Lộng ngôn - Sự hoài nghi
Nước sản xuất : Cộng hòa Dominican
Sản xuất : Khảm
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If it could have cut out the last two to three of the seven or so endings, then I could maybe have seen _Black_ _Butterfly_ getting a bigger score. As it stands, I can get it to fresh by the skin of its teeth.
_Final rating:★★★ - I personally recommend you give it a go._
“A decent suspense thriller and its good for a one time watch ”
It all starts with some stories on abductions here and there then it goes to a lonely writer whom his wife left and he meets up a girl who helps to sell his house and since he can’t write a proper story in a while he gets all kind of irritated goes out for a drive to a nearby café so while going there on the road he met up this truck driver who does not allow him to overtake so somehow he gets in front and curses the truck driver and goes and gets settled in the diner with the girl he met so the truck driver gets there and he tries to pick up a fight with him that is when this stranger guy puts himself between the writer and the truck driver and the stranger threatens the truck driver and both of them leave off so the writer feels that he should have thanked the guy who saved him from that fight so goes finding him and then offers to give him a lift and then the writer insists that he take a break at his place then move on to wherever he was going but as soon as the writer takes him to his place he sees that the stranger has no intention of leaving soon….wait a min the rest of the movie u have to watch don’t worry I have not spoiled anything for you
It is a onetime watch and with good twists. So I would suggest this movie for everyone to watch.
Notable Acting
Jonathan Rhys Meyers famous for his acting in Mission Impossible 3
Antonio Banderas famous for his acting in Desperado, Shrek 2 and many other movies
Piper Perabo famous for her acting in The Prestige and Looper
My Rating 7/10
**I like my ending better! Not the one comes after that!**
It was a little surprise film, but not that great. I really enjoyed it. It was thrilling, suspense and fast paced storytelling. I usually like this type of flicks. If you too prefer entertainment over a masterpiece, then you would enjoy it as well. Only the beginning was slow, but once the concept of the film ignited, it was a non-stop entertainment. So the later parts are like between the two characters that took place in an isolated place. A great setting and with all the development, the film totally gets you.
A struggling alcoholic writer who got rescued by a stranger at a diner, invites him to the home for the stormy night ahead. Later the stranger decides to help him out with his writing, so his stay extends. With talking to each other, the writer comes to know what kind of person he's brought into his house. His agenda ires the stranger and hence a conflict begins between them. The rest of the film is to disclose who ends where with a twist at the end.
When the second act begins, that's when your guessing game starts. At the end of that section, I had in my mind that at least 4 to 5 possible paths the story could head. With that kind of option, who won't enjoy such film. Whatever I predicted, that did not happen. That's another reason why I liked it. The twist was good, and so the performances by Jonathan Rhye Meyers and Antonio Banderas. BUT when all was going well, the end scene before the credits, disappointed me. It should have not been in the film at all. That's why I did not like 'Prince of Persia' too. Apart from that final 10 seconds, it was a good film.
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